Sunday, July 16, 2006

Young's Dairy Farm

Last weekend Chris and I took a field trip up north to Young's Dairy Farm, just outside Yellow Springs, Ohio. It's a working family farm that's become quite popular because of its incredibly good ice cream, sold in a restaurant on the property. Over the years they've added a play area for the kids, a gift shop and a miniature golf course. Chris is always in search of the world's best ice cream so we don't mind driving up to Young's a couple of times a year for a cold treat. There's always a long line, but they must have at least 20 kids working behing the counter taking orders, scooping ice cream and explaining all the choices on the menu board. So much ice cream, so little time!

We don't go just for the ice cream - we love going over to the barn to watch the antics of the goats kept in a large fenced area. They've learned to work the crowd and they also have learned to nibble on peoples clothing and purses when they're not looking. They're smart, smelly and playful. And don't they have the strangest eyes? Kind of creepy. I don't know what breed these goats are - they come in every color, many of them spotted or blotchy. One of the larger black-and-white goats in particular was comical - she would put her front legs up on the fence and reach out with one leg, swatting at whoever was close by, trying to get attention (and food).

The goats really are nimble - they know how to "walk the plank" up to small platforms, and I noticed a number of them stretching around to itch or sctatch in ways that looked impossible.

They've also been trained to use a big opening in the wall of the barn to go in and out as they please. Not too dumb.

I'm posting this to draw attention to "Cow Appreciation Day" (tomorrow) as noted on my calendar at work. Thanks to all the dairy cows of the world for the milk, cheese and ICE CREAM that we enjoy!

1 comment:

Gail at Large said...

Thanks to all the goats for their milk and yummy CHEESE, too! Mmmm, goat cheese.

Goats are MUCH smarter than sheep. Sheep rely on their looks and coats to get by because they are the dumbest animals on earth. I feel qualified in saying this because I helped my friend in Scotland at his sheep farm for a while.