Saturday, July 29, 2006


This past Monday, July 24th, my baby boy had his 20th birthday. TWENTY. How did that happen? Time has been spinning faster and faster. One my customers once told me, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes." He was a wise old guy and I think he has it right.

Here are some pictures of my little boy through the years. Now I don't have a scanner, so the quality of these "photos of photos" is sorely lacking, but you can see him growing up, year after year .... six weeks old, his first birthday, three years old, 3rd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, high school.

We had a fun dinner at The Olive Garden on Tuesday evening to celebrate the beginning of his new decade. Both Grandmas and a couple of crazy cousins joined us. Abby (22) and Erika (19) are going to be sharing an apartment at Ohio State this school year, Abby to start work on her Masters degree and Erika to continue on into her sophmore year. Very scary, those two.

Later in the week his girlfriend Emily tried to "trim" his hair for him and it got a little out of control. He came home a bit miffed that the trim had not gone well, so he grabbed our clippers and had his friend Joe give him a buzz. Well, Joe is no expert barber either, so let's just say Matt now has a really short hair cut, very much like the cut in his 5th and 6th grades photos. Not shaved, but darn close. It could use a professional clean-up, but it's really not a bad look for him! I'll try to sneak some pictures of him so you can see what it looks like :) .

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