Saturday, July 22, 2006

Out With The Old

Our utility bills have been climbing and climbing, same as everyone else's. We've been wondering about our refrigerator - it seems to run a lot, it's 9 years old, used and abused by the kids and animals in our household. (Yes, the animals. The Queen Doggie, Tandie has opened it in the past and helped herself to leftovers. We had to put a latch on the door to keep her out. She has a weakness for poultry.) Anyway, we're thinking it's been sucking up a lot more electricity than it should.

In hopes that we may be able to reduce our enegy bills just a teensy bit, we shopped for refrigerators last Sunday and bought a new one. Nothing too fancy, we were limited by the opening in our kitchen - a side-by-side model wouldn't fit the space, so we still have the upstairs-downstairs variety. A couple of new features for us, though: an ICEMAKER and WATER DISPENSER - and get this, the freezer even has its own light! Cool. Let's hope it's more energy efficient than the old one.

We'll be giving away the old refrigerator - it still runs well, and I didn't want Sears to just haul it away (how kind of them to offer) when I know they just sell the used appliances and make a fast buck (at least I would think that's what they do). We'll post a note on the bulletin board at church tomorrow morning - free to a family who really needs it. In the mean while, we have 2 refrigerators - one in the kitchen, one in the living room!

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