Friday, July 07, 2006

The Flowers of July

I know my family is waiting to hear about the trip to Maine and wants to see some of the 540 pictures I took (!) ... but that will wait until tomorrow. I think I have a shot at telling at least part of the story tomorrow since it promises to be somewhat of a quiet day. (Who am I fooling? It's the weekend - anything can and will happen to get in the way of a peaceful day.) For now, though, I'll bore you with some photos of my gorgeous summer flowers at the peak of their beauty as we really get into summer. The perennials are in their full glory: tiger lilies, daisies, coneflower, coreopsis and balloon flowers. The annuals are just as colorful - the geraniums and zinnias are bold and beautiful. Can you see why I look forward to spring and summer so much? My gardens are a color-feast for my eyes - yum!

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