Saturday, January 14, 2006

Goodnight, Moon

When I noticed an enormous full moon glowing in the sky tonight I knew it was time to play around with our new camera. In the course of a couple of hours we shot dozens of pictures, many not too good but a few were in the "OK" range. Here's are a couple ...

We've got a lot to learn about this camera (I do, anyway ... Chris digs right into reading the manual and learning about the features). I tend to just "want to have fun" with it, and he attacks it like a science as he studies up on it. Another Mars-Venus thing, I guess. Here are my favorite shots from tonight:

Nothing against the Man in the Moon, but I love my people and my pets more than him! Grab some hot chocolate and a warm quilt and stay warm on this chilly winter night.


philopoet said...

Hi, Very Beautiful Moons you collected by camera. i enjoyed Really. Thanx. And I'll visit again your blog waiting for new photos. Have a Nice Winter and warm az U wish.
Kareem From Tehran-Iran

philopoet said...

P.S. Thanx for visiting my blog.