Monday, January 16, 2006

In Its Final Parking Place ...

Matt and his buddy Kris took a good look at the poor Tracker this afternoon. We had it towed home since we need to review our options and figure out the next step in the saga. What we do know is that the insurance company says they will pay us ZERO dollars for the accident because we only had basic coverage ... they will only pay for the car if the person who did this damage is located ... which most likely won't happen. I intend to call around to towing companies tomorrow or Wednesday in hopes of talking to someone who can help identify the loser who did this hit-and-run. They had to have their car towed somewhere to have it worked on .... and I plan to hunt 'em down and bring them to justice. They can run but they can't hide.
Oh, and to add just a little more stress to our lives, the van developed mechanical problems today. I went out the front door this morning, hopped in the van to go to work and the key wouldn't turn in the ignition. Completely jammed, just like that. Chris tinkered around and got it to work for a little while, but later in the morning it jammed up again. Out of our 3 vehicles only one is in working order now. What next?

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