Thursday, January 05, 2006

Doggles for Doggies

I could hardly believe it when Kelly came home from the mall recently, having spent some of her hard-earned money on a pair of Doggles. These are some goofy looking dog goggles that make each of the 3 dogs look something like Snoopy, the Flying Ace. (She only purchased one pair – each of the dogs have been forced to try them on in turn.) Here’s how they look when sporting the Doggles:

Tango was a little curious but tolerant of the experiment; Tandie - well, you can see by the look on her face that she was disgusted that she had to put up with such abuse, and Tyson couldn't wait to dance around and paw them off his face.

From the official site:

So what are Doggles, anyway?
Doggles are protective eyewear for dogs. They are actually goggles for dogs, hence the name. Unlike ordinary sunglasses for dogs, Doggles actually protect dog’s eyes from foreign objects, wind, and UV light.

For dogs with the increasingly common eye disease, Pannus, Doggles are proving themselves very useful. It is well known that dogs with Pannus should stay out of direct sun and get protection from UV light. Doggles are a great alternative for those dogs that can't stay inside during the day. Doggles also provide protection from wind and debris. Whether your dog rides in a sidecar, on a motorcycle, or in the back of a pickup, he/she needs eye protection.

In the aftermath of the World Trade Center tragedy, we were one of the few companies that the ASPCA contacted directly for protective gear for the Search and Rescue Dogs.

OK, so I can understand why a search and rescue dog might need goggles, but honestly, how many self-respecting folks would put these things on their beloved dogs in public - while riding in the back of the pick-up, for instance? I don't think so. And what's this about putting your dog on a MOTORCYCLE or in a sidecar? Huh? I don't get it. They're hilarious in the privacy of your own home, for just a minute or two, but beyond that we're talkin' wasted money! Sorry, Kelly, you probably should have spent that $20 at one of your other favorite mall stores!

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