Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Snowy Day

Am trying really hard to find something good about winter. We had a light snow overnight after a cold rainy day yesterday. The good news is that tomorrow will bring 50+ degree weather so I can pretend that Spring is just around the corner.

Meanwhile, Chris has been puttering around today spending time on the computer and rounding up items he's going to post on e-bay. Matt and I went out for a while so he could do some job-hunting and other errands. He and I also helped our next door neighbor this morning when she called us for help. Her dog (her baby) had been diagnosed with cancer last month and she took a turn for the worse this morning. Between the 3 of us, we picked up D.O. in a big blanket sling and carried her out to the car. We rode with them to the vet and waited while the Dr. got the dog comfortable in the back. The plan was to keep the dog overnight to determine what was going on - either pneumonia or heart failure, as her lungs were filling with fluid. A couple of hours later, Kim called me in tears to say that D.O. had died at the vet. Bummer for Kim, but thankfully the poor dog is no longer struggling. **I shudder to think that we have this kind of thing to go through with 7 pets in the years to come.**

I decided to place an ad in a local newspaper, asking for help in identifying the person who hit Matt's car - maybe we'll get some answers that way. I'm requesting that the ad be run in the front-page section, not as a dinky classified ad buried in the back of the paper. Pray with us that the truth will come out!

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