Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Beautiful Day

Another cold but sunny winter day in our world. The dogs were begging for a walk in the park, so off we went. We visited with several other doggie friends (Sasha and Harp) and their people as we walked a couple of laps around the big field. A very peaceful afternoon walk enjoyed by all!

Not many new offerings from Mother Nature, though I did see a glaze of ice on some puddles that was interesting. I keep looking for some small signs of spring, as foolish as I am, but of course there are none.

The weekend draws to a close. All three dogs are sound asleep in various rooms - such a big day! This'll be a short work week for me since Chris is having his surgery on Tuesday. I'm taking off Tuesday and Wednesday to be with him through the first 48 hours, then back to work on Thursday.

We should talk with the insurance company tomorrow about Matt's car - no further news from the police (no big surprise there). Once we know how much they're offering us (assuming they agree it's a total loss) Chris can start shopping for a new car for Matt so he's got wheels again. I can't wait to put this part of our troubles behind us so we can focus on other more pressing issues. Life sure can get complicated. All we can do is take it one day at a time, having faith that things will get better soon. 64 days 'til the First Day of Spring!

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