Sunday, January 28, 2007

Winter Has Arrived

And I am so not happy about it! Though I must say, that we've made it through December and January with relatively little grief, and I really shouldn't complain. We had several inches of snow last weekend - enough to send the Tri-State area into a panic - including schools closing, dire warnings from the weather forecasters, and minor traffic accidents everywhere. Crazy.

We trekked out to West Chester last Sunday to help clear the long driveway at the homestead then bundled up to take a snowy hike out into the fields and woods behind the house. The landscape becomes so gray and brown at this time of the year, it somehow takes the fun out of photography for me. I love my world to be filled with color, so a snowy day isn't my idea of good time for a photo walk. Nonetheless, we found a lot of beauty in the trees, ponds and fields. After about an hour I was ready for the warmth of the house - brrrr.

I guess it's time to start my countdown to Spring again. The first day of Spring is March 20th, so according to my count, that's 51 days to go!

1 comment:

Gail at Large said...

I'm with you, there, on winter. There's not nearly as much snow here in downtown Toronto as anywhere else in the province, but it's preventing me from driving to the flight school because I don't want to drive in this weather!!