Sunday, January 07, 2007

Having A Fit

Kelly and I went to Bridal & Formal this afternoon so she could be measured for a bridesmaid dress - that is, the dress chosen by Emily for her bridesmaids. Yes, as far as we know, the June 2nd wedding of Matt and Emily is still on. Kelly's excited to be included in the wedding party.

After spending 20 minutes in this bridal shop, watching all the hustle and bustle of brides-to-be and their merry friends, I'm convinced that the whole wedding industry is one big racket. These girls and their parents are so geared up for the huge wedding, the great big white dress, the gaggle of bridesmaids .... big money in this business. The focus is in all the wrong places as far as I can see. However,I digress, sorry. Here's the dress Kelly tried on - it's the correct style, but the color will be a light dusty rose rather than this cranberry (?) color.

We've paid for the dress, they'll order it and call when it's in, then we have to take it someplace to be altered. (They order the closest correct size, but they don't have anything to do with alterations.) I somehow have a feeling that this is just the beginning of our contribution to the wedding industry this year!

1 comment:

Gail at Large said...

It's a total racket! I lucked out, I tried on one dress and that was it, but most people spend days/weeks/months searching.

(The tale is here:

With girls, there are SO MANY ACCESSORIES. Guys have it so much easier!

Sounds like the friend is quite young, so maybe you won't have to go through this again for a while. It gets REALLY expensive when there are a bunch of weddings close together.