Thursday, February 09, 2006

Never A Dull Moment But Wishing For A Few

This past week has brought its fair share of ups and downs. We should know by now that that's what we should expect - 2006 is shaping up to be an eventful year. Noteworthy news from this week ... Chris took Tandie to the vet to have her lump checked out because it has grown quite a bit, and as we expected, he says it's time for surgery. He still thinks its just a fatty cyst so that's the good news, but it will be major surgery for the old girl and I think she'll be sporting quite an impressive scar when it's all said and done. You can see the big lump as you look down her left side - it's become very large but doesn't seem to bother her.

She has to start taking anitbiotics this weekend in preparation for the surgery on Tuesday. We should be able to bring her home Tuesday evening as long as everything goes as planned. She's going to be a hurting doggie for a few days afterwards.

My sister-in-law Jill has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. We've always wished that Tom, Jill and the girls lived a lot closer than Montana because it's at times like this we would like to be able to see them, hug them and be supportive of them in person. We don't know all the details but evidently she's been told that this should be a very treatable situation. I know they have to be on pins and needles as they await their next visit with the doctors on Friday (tomorrow) where they will find out treatment options and more. Jill's mother died from breast cancer so this is scary for the whole family, especially her other sisters. Please pray for Jill, Tom and the little girls as they start this journey of "living with cancer."

We did get a frosting of snow this week. And we're supposed to get a little more this coming weekend. The dogs love it - they leap and play and don't mind the snow at all. You all know how I feel about the cold weather so I won't say anything further except just 38 days until the Official First Day of Spring!

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