Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's Gotta Hurt

I left work a little early today to pick up Tandie from the vet. Dr. Jeff had called me about 11:00 this morning to say that the surgery had gone well and gave a graphic description of the mass he removed from Tandie's side. I guess she was the talk of the vet's office today - it was a humdinger of a disgusting mess. He even took a Polaroid picture of it and presented it to me as I paid the bill. Ugh. It was good that we had the surgery done because the growth was deep and beginning to affect surrounding muscle; and it was getting close to her rib cage.
Dr. Jeff also removed a smaller growth from her right side, just to make sure it didn't become the same kind of problem in the coming months. So poor Tandie can't lay on either side without being on a sore spot, though the left side is by far the bigger incision. She has to go back in 10 days to have stitches removed, and she'll be on antibiotics and pain meds for several days.

She's still a little groggy, and after getting a good long drink of water, and limping outside briefly for a bathroom break, she's napping on the bedroom floor. Not laying on either side, but trying to doze with her head between her paws. Poor girl!

Chris has finally moved past all the Orientation business at Lowe's and is having his first real day on the job, working noon - 9 p.m. He dashed home on his dinner break to see how Tandie was doing, ate quickly and hurried back to work. I'll post a full report after he's got a week or so under his belt! He did get the second coat of paint on the hall this morning while he had some peace and quiet, so Phase One of the painting project is finished.

Several loads of laundry await - Happy Valentine's Day to All!

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