Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I Did It All By Myself!

Even though I'm not a techie person, by golly I think I've managed to set up a basic blog account. Yow. Even we older folk can do this, without the help of our teenage children! Now if only we could get Mom on-line (83 years old, going strong) we'd have a miracle on our hands. But I should try to get the Sisters onto this...and Tom, in Montana.

This is one of the VERY few quiet moments I have in my life - the hubster is out of town (in Louisiana helping with hurricane clean-up) and Matt's at Emily's -?- I'm never sure where he is. And Kelly is at her dad's for a while this evening. So it's me and the cats and the dogs and lots of housework that should probably be done. The story of my life. As usual, I'm multi-tasking, heating up some dinner, running a load of laundry and doing my computer work.

So let me see if I can't actually post this and call it a good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MA, I just found your blog. I showed it to a couple of people on the LA team., I am so proud of you!
