Sunday, November 27, 2005


Kelly came into my life in March of 1990 and there's never been a dull moment since. She didn't sleep well at night until she was 2 years old, and I'm convinced that was because her little mind never stopped. She started talking when she was 14 months old and I swear she's never stopped. Kelly is a happy-go-lucky person, full of energy and insight, has a terrific sense of humor (she's made me pee my pants on more than one occasion much to her amusement) and is ever creative. She inherited artistic genes from Grandma Dody - they pretty much skipped right over me. Her favorite creative outlets include beadwork, sketching and sculpting with modeling clay. She has a great ear for music - took violin and piano lessons for a while but didn't have the discipline to keep up with daily practicing, so those activities dropped off. Then there were a couple of years of dance class (what a riot those recitals are!! I highly recommend a dance recital if you're feeling down in the dumps. You'll laugh so hard you'll be crying. Seriously.) And she was in Girl Scouts for several years, which I willingly participated in as a helper (for a while, anyway). These days she works hard at school getting really good grades, spends countless hours on the phone with friends and works part-time at her first job at a local family restaurant. She loves her family, really loves her pets (future veterinarian? she says but that may change) and is the most wonderful friend and daughter a mom could ever want. I wouldn't trade her for anyone else!

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