Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Joys Of Pet Ownership

The three canines in my life keep our household lively ... that is to say - chaotic, noisy, messy, interesting.

Tandie is the old lady, moving a bit more slowly than when I first met her 8 years ago. We're really hoping that her fence-climbing days are over (yes, she had mastered the art of hefting her overweight self over the chain link fence into the neighbors yard, and from there - freedom to roam the streets!) She's the "original" dog of the house, still considers herself the Canine Queen of It All.

Then along came Tyson from the SPCA. We saw him there 2 days in a row and couldn't turn our backs on him. He's a little high-strung, you could say - has quite a bit of nervous energy. If our home is ever invaded by burglars, he'll be the one biting and chewing on legs and generally making a scene. Very protective, very spastic, always hungry. That's our middle dog.

Then, one summer day, we saw a pen of puppies in a yard, beautiful little black dogs, half German Shepherd, half American Eskimo. When we saw Tango's blue eye/brown eye (just like Tandie's) ... well, let's just say we beat a path to the ATM machine for the $50 bucks the lady was charging. Tango came home with us at 8 weeks old and has grown into a magnificent, impressive dog. Those who don't know her are intimidated, but she's gentle, loving and quite submissive. And does she ever talk. Just an incredible dog (can you tell which is my favorite?).

You'd never know that I was the cat lover and didn't like dogs too much ... but these guys have given me a new perspective. (In the background you can probably hear my husband saying, "See, you're a dog person now!" to which I respond, "I'm a cat AND dog lover now. I love our dogs, not necessarily ALL dogs!" )
Those are the canines. I'll devote another entry to the four felines.

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