Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday Musings

They're getting ready to hang new wallpaper in the hallway outside our office. A couple of guys are slapping on a good thick coat of sizing (whatever that is) to prep the walls. It smells SO bad. Really bad, like they must be getting high out there because there's zero air moving in the hallway. I didn't think it was good to hang wallpaper on top of existing wallpaper. Am thinking this is a bad idea. Must be a cost-saving idea. And the fumes that are probably seeping in under the door may be why I have a headache today.

Lovely daughter is taking her car into the shop tomorrow for diagnostics. We're hoping and praying that it's an easy and inexpensive fix that the hubster can do, once they tell us what exactly is the issue. Cars: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Have to keep her car going a long, long time because she certainly can't afford a car payment. Though she is going on commission !! at her job this month, so her income should go up quite a bit. Thank you, Lord.

We both need to go and get our new glasses adjusted at the eye doctor this evening. Tried to go 2 other times recently and they were closed. Yes, closed on Friday and closed on Saturday. That's the price you pay for going to independent family (husband & wife team) eye doctors. Even though I disklike the one-hour places in the mall (you know who I mean) at least they're open 7 days a week, all hours. Hubster hasn't even been able to wear his new glasses since he picked them up 2 weeks ago - now that's a problem. And mine were (literally) falling off my face when I was out working in the garden a few days ago - every time I looked down, off they came.

Hubster and I car-pooled today - figured we'd try to ride together a couple of times a week to see if we can lower our gas consumption. This week we're going to try for Monday and Wednesday. Only problem I can forsee is that I'm not so much a morning person (slow to wake up) and the hubster bounces out of bed and starts talking as soon as his feet hit the floor. Not so good, for a person who likes her peace and quiet in the morning. I always say that I get an extra half-hour of sleep on my way to work every day. I know that's not good, being comatose while driving, but it is what it is. I'm a zombie. And when I get to work, I like to be left alone for 15 or 20 minutes while I get situated. Know what I mean? I'm sure there are others like me out there.

This is the first post I've ever done without pictures I think. Wow. Just a bunch of miscellaneous thoughts running together.

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