Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Musings

It was another fun but fast-paced weekend. We had the amazing TR for an overnight visit on Friday, I went thrift store store shopping with my two sisters on Saturday, and enjoyed a busy Mother's Day yesterday.

Friday evening started off with a bang (sorry, had to say that...) when the hubster was involved in a 4 car accident on the highway, on his way home from work. Thankfully - SO thankfully - he was not injured nor was anyone else. The air bag did its job well. Our van is another matter, though - the whole front end is pushed back almost to the windshield, with the hood all buckled up and the engine exposed. We're guessing it's going to be considered a total loss. Which leaves us with a car dilemna ... just when we thought we had a plan .... for the time being, he will drive the pick-up and I'll stick with the Mazda. Though he did say maybe we should get a rental car for the short term while we figure this out.

As for the shopping with my sisters - well, let's just say they're hard core veteran shoppers from way back, and they were determined not to miss a thing. Every single item in every single aisle was scrutinized, and they'd periodically track me down and show me the deals that were piling up in their carts. They take their bargain hunting VERY seriously. Me, I take it serioulsly, but after about 1/2 hour I've had enough. But they spent over an hour at each store, gathering up shiny things and clothing that caught their eye. I was exhausted by the time I got home. And from what I understand, they kept going for another 3 hours after we parted ways. Crazy ladies, they are.
Mother's Day was relatively low-key for a change, with visits to both Mom's and dinner at the Olive Garden with my sister and mother. My wonderful husband gifted me with a gorgeous ring that's both a Mother's Day and birthday present - isn't it beautiful? Simple, sparkly and so "me."

We took the dogs to the park for a run twice over the weekend - well, actually, the hubster took them once while I was out shopping on Saturday, and then we went together on Sunday afternoon. It was a chilly windy weekend - perfect for walking. Unfortunately, we realized that it's already flea and tick season (or, as I sometimes say by accident "tea and flick season") when the hubster found a disgusting little tick in our bed on Saturday evening - must have climbed onto the hubster at the park and somehow let loose onto the sheets as he was crawling into bed. Gross, gross, gross. I've had close encounters with ticks (and a leech once, on our honeymoon, oh yeah!) and I freak out. Ever since then I've been feeling my scalp and checking myself for little bumps that don't belong on me... shudder....

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