Monday, March 22, 2010

Up Close and Personal

This past Saturday we got up early to drive out to Indiana for a visit with some fellow photography lovers. We had a meet-up at a habitat where we had the opportunity to interact with captive wolves, some young and lively, some older and more wary.

Say cheese!


Their climbing toy.

Listening to something off in the distance ...

Wary, not wanting to get too close....

Playing, posturing ... these were the adult wolves.

Having a staredown - deciding on how close they would let me come ...

This adult finally decided to approach me. Slowly...

This youngster wanted to lick, nibble, sniff and have a lot of contact. Chris just stood still and let it roll.


Who are you and why are you here?

Always watching and listening ....

Electric fences surrounded each of the enclosures.

Looks like a cute dog, but NOT!

Sitting still, letting him (her?) share a seat with me.

Each pack (in its own enclosure) was 4 - 5 wolves. These were the adults we got to meet. They were cautious, slow to warm up, didn't approach us much. They stick together.

Always alert.

We finally got to be friends, for just a minute.

Sitting quietly, waiting for them to become accustomed to us. They were much more hesitant to approach the men.

I see you.

Chris with one of the young wolves (when he wasn't being mauled!).

Beautiful, fierce, and in the end, still wild animals. So glad to have the chance to get to know more about them!

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