Thursday, March 25, 2010

March Birthdays

A cold rain is pounding against the office window. The chimes on the back deck are clanging in the wind. Thankfully we're warm and snug inside, just hoping the temperature doesn't dip too low tonight. The weather guy said it's possible that we could wake up to a dusting of s-n-o-w. Now that would not be funny. Not even a bit. We're all done with winter, so done!

On a cheerier note, tomorrow is somebody's big 2-0 birthday. She was born on a chilly but sunny spring day, and my life has never been quite the same since! Oh how I love my girl! We had a little family party this past weekend to celebrate birthdays for all the girls (cousins) born in March.
My baby girl ...

The 3 cousins (no, Erika wasn't drunk - don't know why the wild look....)

Baby girl holding her baby girl niece ...

And what would a post be without a picture of the sweet Tara Rose?

She was "kissing" the glass on the back door. Yummy.

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