Thursday, March 18, 2010

BAD Dog!

Or, could be titled "Mama. Is.Seriously.Not.Amused."

This used to be perfectly good grocery money. $200, to be exact.

When I left for work this morning, it was safely tucked away in an envelope.

On a shelf, on the side of my desk.

Just where I've always put it.

Somebody got bored today. And then had a very bad idea.

So this is what I discovered on the floor of the office a few minutes ago.

I now have $55 dollars of grocery money - the rest is either in nasty little chewed-up pieces or ... well, you know where. Inside a doggie.

What on earth possessed her to do this?? BAD DOG.

The best part was, right after I picked up the pieces of my grocery money, I had to head downstairs to clean up dog poo in the basement. BAD DOG!

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