Thursday, October 29, 2009

You've Got To Be Kidding

We've really been enjoying the fall season.

I love walking the dogs, hearing the leaves crunch beneath my feet as we make our way through the neighborhood.

I love my little arrangement of pumpkins and gourds on our front porch.

I smirk at my neighbors who have strung bright orange and purple lights in their windows, in honor of Halloween.

I've been debating about what kind of candy to buy for the trick-or-treaters on Saturday - Reese's Cups or Butterfingers?

I avoid the kids Halloween cartoon specials on TV and hate when they bump my favorite shows.

Everything would indicate that it's Fall - we're right in the middle of that most beautiful and colorful time of year, right?

Then why in the world has our local Christian radio station started playing Christmas music? In October? What's up with THAT?

Last night I was running an errand, flipped on the radio, and to my horror I heard "Sleigh Ride" playing. Surely a mistake, or a joke of some sort?

I waited for the song to end to hear what came next ... and - to my horror again - I heard that old holiday favorite "Silver Bells" begin to play. No way. I couldn't believe they were intentionally, purposefully, airing Christmas music in October!

That's so wrong! C'mon people, can't you wait until December 1st?

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