Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Out Of This World

Last Friday, my husband and I went to The Prom. Our church pulls out all the stops to make this a memorable evening for over 1,000 guests with special needs. The entire church campus was taken over for The Prom - there were decorations, games, music, food, entertainment ...something for everyone to enjoy, no matter what their disability.

Dinner was served to the guests and their escorts ....

Guests could play "Deal or No Deal" in the auditorium (very popular!)

There were carnival type games outdoors ...

Happy guest!!

Father and son - Bill and Jason - a very handsome duo!

The Chick-fil-A cows made an appearance, mingling with the guests as they arrived on the red carpet.

Another very happy guest!

A young couple having fun...

This guy was just .... happy!

An escort with her guest for the evening ...

More fun and games outside ....

Contestants lined up to play "Deal or No Deal"

Jason, intent on winning a game.

Concentrating on her toss ...

The adorable Emily, a happy volunteer ...

This young guy was a volunteer in the Whac A Mole game.

Beautiful Karen, another hard working volunteer ...

Ahh, and there's that cow again, hugging everyone ....

Lollipop game ...

Jugglers to entertain the crowd ...

Another cow picture. (Why so many cow pictures, you ask? Well, guess who is inside that cute girl cow costume. Yep. That's right. Me. Blistering hot, but having so much fun!)

Tired feet, the girls were taking off their fancy shoes by the end of the evening...

And a WONDERFUL time was had by all, guests and volunteers alike. Can't wait for next year!

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