Sunday, May 21, 2006

Nolan vs. Great-Grandma Dody

We recently had the chance to visit with my nephew Jason and his wife, and their baby Nolan. Nolan was the first in his generation for our family - he made me a Great-Aunt, he made my sister a Grandmother (HA!) and my mother became a Great-Grandmother. Amazing what a little baby boy can do to a family tree! He's an active 6 month old, very much a squirming bundle of energy. Here's what happens when a loving Great-Grandmother attempts to hold such a busy child ...

After about 5 minutes of Nolan's non-stop twisting, turning and grabbing, Mom was ready to cheerfully declare him the winner. She handed him back over to his younger, stronger parents graciously murmuring comments about how big and healthy he is. I guess God knows what he's doing in allowing the (mostly) under 40's crowd to have babies - I don't know where I ever got the patience and energy to care for my two children ... those days are gone - no more energy, and the "patience" is running low.

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