Saturday, May 27, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend, Part 1

Where in the world has the month of May gone? I haven't had much free time to blog because of a long list of events and happenings that have kept us really busy: Mother's Day, birthdays, gardens that need tending, end-of-school year Awards Banquet, helping our friends move to a new house, Chris working a lot of overtime, Matt moving out of the house into his new place ... and on and on. I keep thinking that things will settle down. Exactly when that will be, no one knows. Kelly's last day of school was Thursday, so she's gladly settling into a summer schedule that includes lots of sleeping in, a busy social life and working at Riley's. Ah, to be 16 and carefree again!
We haven't taken the dogs to the park much during May because we've been busy, and we had a bad stretch of about 10 days of chilly rain and gloom. But we did get to have an outing about 3 weeks ago on a glorious spring afternoon. Our favorite path has become lush and green as leaves bud, and the wildflowers are peeking out along the trail.
We've promised the dogs that we will absolutely get them to the park this long weekend - it's been far too long between outings. We need the exercise as much as they do, so it must happen!

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