Sunday, April 02, 2006

Just Another Sunday

Checking in as the weekend draws to a close. We had a fun day today - started by going to church at 10:00 - a cool sunny morning that was much warmer when we came out at 11 :30. Woohoo - top down on the Tracker on the way home, sunglasses required! We stopped at home just long enough to refuel (that is, I poured a fresh bottle of Mountain Dew for the road) and then headed out to the homestead in West Chester for a quick visit with the parents and to bring the bike home for the season. (We stored it in their garage for the winter since they've got extra room. We made them promise that they would not take it for a ride under any circumstances. I don't think they did.)

Then we just had to take the dogs to the park for a long romp - they've been asking to go all weekend. It's been maybe 3 weeks since we were there - ? because the weekend weather has been not-so-good lately. But this was a perfect Sunday afternoon (the early part was, anyway) so we loaded them up, and Baby Bird came along for the walk too.

See the picture just above this? You're probably wondering why I took such a dumb picture, but if you look closely you'll see that the tree limb has a small knothole that appears to be an eye which gives the idea that this might be an elephant (according to Kelly) or maybe a toucan (my thought). One of those odd things courtesy of Mother Nature. What do you think? And the next picture, my only point there was to show that dandelions are making an appearance already. Ah, Spring!

A little later in the afternoon we decided to go on our first official ride of the year. When we left the neighborhood the sun was shining and it was still a glorious spring day. By the time we got home a couple of hours later - light rain and some thunder and lightning. Yuck. We were pretty damp by the time we pulled into the driveway. We hadn't planned on being out for that long but got side-tracked when we stopped at a friend's house for a quick (!) visit. They're in the process of moving out of suburbia, to the dad's house - an old home on several acres of land, sort of in the country, on top of a hill. It needs a lot of fixing up, and they need to clean out all the remaining stuff that Dad didn't take to his new place in a retirement community. The tractor's not theirs, it's just parked on the neighboring property - but the huge tires caught my eye. I know, I need to get a life.

More warm sunny days ahead, more adventures on the bike. Hooray!


Gail at Large said...

*cough cough*

Taking photos on the back of a motorbike with TWO hands is rather dangerous, wouldn't you say?

No seatbelts!

Mary Anne said...

Well ... we were stopped at a red light, so I didn't need my hands to be holding on at that moment ... and we were wearing our helmets! We really do try to ride safely and stay alert. I know the odds are somewhat stacked against motorcycles, and I do think about that often. It's the only crazy thing we do, honest!