Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Perfect Weekend!

This past weekend was the most perfect weekend in ages. I think it was warm and sunny from Friday through Sunday, non-stop (well, except for overnight), and we took full advantage of it. Yardwork and planting flowers, two good rides on the bike, a final meal with Hilary and Frannie before they left yesterday... it was ALL good! On Saturday morning Kelly and I hit the road to shop for a prom dress, and we found one pretty quickly that she and I both agreed on. She says it makes her feel like a Barbie doll (and what would she know about them? She was rarely interested in dolls). And I say she'd better not gain even a 1/2 lb. between now and Prom else she won't be able to zipper that dress! I'm glad it fits well (as in, it's not gonna fall off) but honestly, sitting down will be a challenge. What's the old saying ... "It's better to look good than to feel good!" Anyway, we found a small black purse to go with, and she was eyeing jewelry at which point I declared, "Enough spending for today!" (She could tell I was in a good mood and figured she might go for the gusto .... good try!)

I had bought 30 geraniums during the week, in various shades of pink. I filled the two oak barrel planters with an assortment of all colors, filled 4 more smaller pots and kept out 6 for my window box (hope to fill it up this coming weekend). Let the planting begin in earnest! I think it's still too early to do much more, though - we have frost warnings tonight still. I think another two weeks before we're all clear of frost.

Much to Tyson's dismay he got a bit of a haircut on Saturday afternoon. Kelly and I bought a set of dog clippers while we were out shopping, and Kelly couldn't wait to give them a try. Tyson has layers and layers of fur to his coat - we could have shaved him for hours and still not hit bottom. Even thought he hates getting a buzz he behaves pretty well, and he's a lot cooler in the end. One of those uncomfortable things in a dog's life that's "for your own good, buddy!"

Our late spring tulips are in full bloom all across the front gardens - pinks, purples and white. They look wonderful along side the little grape hyacinth ... a feast for my eyes every time I walk out the front door. Yummy!

Enough for now - I have a lot of crazy pictures from our bike rides, so I'll write about those in a separate post. I'm just thrilled I got this much done this evening!

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