Saturday, April 08, 2006


We spent the better part of our day driving from one car lot to another, Ford, Toyota, Mazda .... around and around we went. Small car? Fuel efficient car? Pick-up truck? Used car? New car? What colors can we live with? What features must we have? With each passing hour I became more confused and less certain about what we needed. What an exercise to have to go through. By the time we finished we were still unclear about which direction to take. We looked at a 1986 Ford F-150 pick-up truck. We talked to our neighbors about their 1998 Honda Civic that they're thinking of selling. And so the chaos continues on into the evening as Chris goes on-line to browse the offerings on Auto Trader. Madness. And I keep thinking that we shouldn't have to be doing this at all, if only that lady hadn't been so careless in her driving on Wednesday. Aaargh. Not fair. We don't need this added stress right now!

We finished our day at Bob and Peggy's house, with the guys tearing out an old green bathtub. Bob has been working on updating their upstairs bath and had it almost cleared out - the tub was all that needed to go. So after a little bit of prep work, out came the tub, down the stairs and out the front door for the garbage men. We had dinner together courtesy of Peggy and Jenna, then headed home.

Tomorrow is an outdoor day - the weather is supposed to be decent, warmish and sunny. So I think our lawn will get its first cut of the season, and we'll do the same down the street at Mr. Gibson's house. He's been getting antsy about his grass getting long and I'm sure he's wondering when in the world we're going to show up to get it cut. Tomorrow!

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