Saturday, April 01, 2006

Do You Know This Man?

I've been going through my family pictures and just started noticing something really strange. See the guy in these photos? He seems to be showing up at a lot of our family events, kind of like those crazy guys in the movie Wedding Crashers. Very odd. I gather he likes to eat and drink (shows up for the free beer, that's obvious). Doesn't seem to have much to say to anybody, in fact, as seen in this picture above, really only the dog pays attention to him. Beer and cake. This really is a weird guy. I guess he doesn't have many friends, so he resorts to crashing family parties?? What a sad, sad life he must have.

Then - check this out - I was going through the Christmas pictures from the past several years, and THERE HE IS AGAIN! Always kind of hovering in the background, hoping not to be noticed I guess. Who is this man? He seems to have a way of slipping into our houses, eats our food, drinks a few beers, and then he disappears.

I showed these pictures to a couple of my friends, told them this crazy story, and one of them said she thinks she's seen him wandering around Loveland - which isn't anywhere NEAR here, thank goodness - posing as - get THIS - a mailman! How insane is that?

Well, anyway, that's all I wanted to say this time around. Keep your eyes open - this guy may show up at your next family event, drink all your beer, eat your food, and leave without a trace. I'd hate to have that happen to any other innocent families as it has to ours.


brian. said...

this is, by far, the funniest blod post i've ever [litterally] stumbled across. If you know this man and this is just a joke, please never tell me. I'd like to think there is a rogue mailman crashing family parties up and down the coast.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the guy, but I think I had a few drinks with the dog in St. Louis!

Chef JoAnna said...

seriously, is this a joke?