Friday, April 07, 2006

Another One Bites The Dust

Wednesday afternoon, 1:00 - I decided to run out for a lunch break even though I wasn't really hungry. It was a beautiful spring day, though, so the sun and fresh air were calling my name. Ten minutes later, as I headed down towards the mall, CRASH! a blue car pulled across the intersection in front of me, even though it wasn't her turn. I hardly had time to think, "This is gonna hurt" and it was over. Airbag didn't go off - why? We aren't sure, but it's an older car (1997) so maybe it wasn't working any longer? My glasses had flown off my face, so the rest of the scene was a blur - people talking to me, someone undid my seat belt, a nice man kept telling me the police were on the way, lots of confusion. I just sat still with my eyes shut, breathing, trying not to cry, talked to the people who had stopped. Anyhow, I got a ride to the hospital strapped onto a back board (cruel and unusual punishment but I know they're necessary sometimes) - a nice EMT named Mike chatted with me as I stared at the ceiling of the ambulance. After getting checked out at Mercy and having my neck x-rayed, I was on my way home 3 hours later courtesy of Chris' parents. That was Wednesday.

Sometime during the night on Wednesday into Thursday morning I began to realize that I had the Mother of All Headaches. Pounding, throbbing, making me want to get sick. Later in the morning I had to call Chris at work, ask him to come home and take me back to the ER. They did a CT scan, all normal, thankfully - so it was a combination of concussion and the Percocet making me so sick, most likely. They gave me a shot to calm down the nausea and a shot of pain med of some sort and sent me home again. By the time I went to bed I was feeling somewhat better, and by this morning I was feeling SO good compared to yesterday!

My Friday has been filled with conversations with the insurance company, 2 trips to the Sharonville Police Dept (file a statement, get my drivers license back, get a release form for the towing company) and 2 trips to the car lot to clean out the Tracker and turn in the release form from the PD. So it's good-bye to another little Tracker, hello to a new (used?) something .... that's the next chore. What kind of car do we want vs. what kind of car do we need vs. what can we afford .... decisions, decisions.

One final note to all you who read my lame little blog: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, wear your seat belt! It will save you from serious injury in an accident. ALWAYS wear it. Did I say always? I mean it! OK, I'm off my soapbox now.

(The picture above was taken in December - it doesn't really snow in April in Cincinnati. Not usually, anyway. We're into tornado season now.)

1 comment:

Gail at Large said...


I'm so glad to read you weren't hurt!!!

(And yes, I always wear my seatbelt.)