Sunday, March 05, 2006

Is It Friday Yet?

I know, I know - the week hasn't even started yet and I want it to be over. Or at least fast-forwarded to Friday. I have to travel again for work, to Grand Rapids tomorrow afternoon coming home on Tuesday evening. Then to Columbus on Thursday (just a day trip). I realize that these aren't huge long trips but I really dislike being away from my family, especially on a week like this:

1) My sister-in-law has surgery for her breast cancer tomorrow. Pray for her and her family, please!
2) My husband has an important job interview tomorrow afternoon, with Toyota. We're both nervous and excited about that - pray for a successful meeting for him!
3) My mom has to have a cardiac stress test on Tuesday. That shouldn't be a big deal - after all she's a young 83 years old and has good Irish genes. She feels fine, but the EKG she had recently during a physical indicated an irregularity that needs to be checked out. Sister Rose will be with her during the test - unfortunately I'll be in (yahoo) Grand Rapids that day.

I did have a good weekend - got out to Sharon Woods Park on Saturday with my camera and wandered around taking pictures for a while. It was clear and sunny and I could tell that everyone has Spring Fever! It was only in the upper 30's but people were out jogging, walking their dogs in lightweight jackets, and kids were playing on the playground without any coats at all. The park employees were getting the rowboats and paddle boats uncovered and into the lake so they'll be ready to go next weekend when the dock officially opens for the season. (The 3 teenage boys who were working on the rowboats were hilarious - the blind leading the blind. It took them quite a while to figure out the best way to get the boat into the lake, with one of them in it, ready to row. Much to my surprise, their plan worked. I thought surely one of them would end up in the water in the process!)

Chris and I rented two movies and watched them Friday and Saturday evenings after he got home from work - Wedding Crashers and The 40-Year Old Virgin. Both very funny. And very much stupid guy humor. Ah, well. Give me a good chick flick any day.

All right, let's get this week going - come on Monday, I can do this! I just keep reminding myself: Spring really is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Gail at Large said...

I haven't seen Wedding Crashers, but I'm overdue for a comedy. I had to cancel my Netflix account, though :(

There's a video store nearby, guess I should open up an account!