Thursday, March 23, 2006


I was in Chicago on Monday and Tuesday of this week for a couple days of training with my peers at CB. It was fun and informational, and I also got a peek at downtown Chicago for the first time. I’m the first to admit that I’m not an urban kind of a gal. Whenever I’m in a big city I feel overwhelmed, stressed and usually feel eternally lost. Everyone I pass on the sidewalk seems to know exactly where they’re going, and they’re in a hurry and I feel like everyone must KNOW that I’m unsure of myself. I love to people watch though, and love to look at the detail on old buildings, so from that perspective I enjoyed my brief look at the city. I love the colors of the neon signs and the lights in the buildings at night – a real treat for a visual person like me.

On Monday evening we took a brisk (cold) walk to the 10 Pin Lounge for a fun evening of eating, drinking and bowling. I learned 2 things that evening: always, always take a coat when you travel to Chicago in March (I didn’t wear a coat at all because I didn’t think we would have to hike anywhere); and 2) I still can’t bowl. I make a complete fool of myself every time I walk up to the line and I know everyone is snickering behind my back as I wing the ball down the alley. I did accidentally get one strike and a couple of spares, though. Maybe if I’d had something stronger than bottled water to drink I could have done even better! We were served a buffet dinner of do-it-yourself burritos – yummy – and dessert was fancy s’mores and rice krispies treats – mmmm.

The hotel was very nice – and of course the first thing I noticed were the gorgeous flowers in the lobby. I thought they were fake but no, they were the real thing. Wonderful colors! And the bottled water at this hotel was only $4.50, so this hotel was a step down (smile) from the Gaylord Palms in Orlando! And for Pete's sake, don't ever hang your clothes on the fire sprinkler above the bed! Evidently they have a problem with that therefore the graphic and dire warning.
Ahhh, flowers! Aren't those incredible? I could have sat in the lobby all day admiring them.

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