Friday, May 28, 2010

Eleven Years

Eleven years ago tomorrow, we were married. We had had our first date at the beginning of August, 1998 (dinner at Outback and then a movie - "Saving Private Ryan.") We got engaged on Labor Day weekend, and began planning our wedding shortly thereafter, choosing May 29th, 1999 for our big day.

It was a picture-perfect spring day for our outdoor wedding. There were only about 40 guests, mostly family. We had a potluck meal (yes, seriously - everyone brought a side dish) and we hired someone to grill out. There was a wonderful cheesecake for our wedding cake, a little 3-piece band for some music and Wayne, our fired-up preacher who performed the ceremony. We wrote our own vows, and had our guests gather in a circle around us as we were married.

We look so much younger in these pictures! Chris had much more hair and I weighed a lot less then .... that dress would never fit me now! As you can see, the florist went wild with my bouquet - it was supposed to be much smaller. I had asked that it look like someone walked through a spring garden and picked all sorts of flowers. So they got that part right, anyway.

Matt and Kelly were 12 and 9 years old at the time. Wow. They were little kids when we got married! All grown up now (well, that's sometimes in question...) and out of the house. And a grandchild to boot.

Us with the parents. My dad has since passed away, and our folks have definitely aged a lot in the past 11 years. My mom is 88 now, and Chris' parents are well into their 70's.

And so today, my sweet husband sent me a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Because he remembers how special that day was, and so do I. I think it's safe to say "Yes, we would do it all over again" without any hesitation!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Planes, Trains and Taxis

Flew to Chicago Sunday evening, got back last evening – a fast 48-hour trip to our corporate offices for some training and meetings. It was chilly, windy, gray and not at all spring-like in Chicago – I noticed so many people in winter coats and gloves walking down the street. Yuck.
I really dislike flying, and being away from home and my own bed. I’m one of those people. All I can think about is a fiery airline disaster while I’m in flight, and hotel rooms give me the creeps. That’s what comes from an over-active imagination.

Interesting things about my trip to and from: I sat in exactly the same seat (9A) in exactly the same aircraft, coming and going. What are the odds of that? It was a dinky little 50-seat plane with a one-seat row, and then a 2-seat row. I know it was the same plane because a) it had the same flight number and b) it had the identical scuff marks on the ceiling by the overhead compartments. Seriously. I notice details like that when I’m nervous.

Did you know they charge $3.00 for a bag of snacks on the plane now? Outrageous.

Did you know that O’Hare has runways that cross the highway on bridges? Freaky.

Did you know that when you arrive early to your destination they have “remote parking areas” for the aircraft, where you just sit and idle until your gate becomes available? We had to sit there for 25 minutes, watching the other planes taxi to and fro, take off and land, while we waited. I started getting claustrophobic but just in time, they let us taxi to our gate. Couldn’t get off that plane fast enough.

And here’s a funny thing – on the flight home, we were pushing back from the gate, and many of the passengers were gazing out the windows, like they do … watching all the busy people and vehicles buzzing around, servicing the planes. Several of us noticed just ONE suitcase left all by itself on the tarmac – right where they load the suitcases into the plane. Everyone was wondering why it was there – did it get left behind on purpose, for some reason? Or was it accidental? Everyone was laughing saying “Well, it’s not mine…” So, if you own a dark purple suitcase, it’s may still be at O’Hare at the gate in Concourse L.

Had a crazy taxi ride from the airport to the hotel with a nice enough cab driver, but he jabbered on the phone in a foreign language the entire ride, weaving in and out of traffic like a mad man. Though from the looks of it, that’s the way everyone drives in downtown Chicago traffic.

The hotel was nice, kind of modern / eclectic, and my room was on the 12th floor. I had a delightful view of a rooftop and various other high-rise buildings in downtown Chicago. City noise wafted up all night long – sirens, honking, trains. Even though the room looked nice, and seemed clean, I still wore my socks on the carpet and in the bathroom. (Am I the only one who does that? I can’t be.) And I wonder how long it’s been since they put on a fresh clean bedspread and when did they last clean the bathroom … all those germs lurking, I just know it. And I think about bed bugs and lice and other disgusting things. Then I had a moment of panic when I went to look for a hair dryer and couldn’t see one. Thankfully I noticed a fancy little cloth drawstring bag on the shelf of the closet – voila, the hair dryer was in a bag.

I came home feeling like I'm getting a cold - and I haven't had one in eons. Must have caught some cooties on the plane or while in the hotel room.

So now you know that I’m a paranoid traveler … what bothers you about planes, taxis and hotels??

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Your Wish is My Command"

So said my wonderful baker friend Celia, when she showed up on my doorstep a few minutes ago, cake in hand. I had made a comment on my Facebook page a bit earlier today, she read it, and she delivered! I had said that I wanted "yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Right now."

So people, I'm here to tell you that birthday wishes do come true sometimes! All you have to do is ask. Politely, of course.

And it's gluten-free so I can chow down and eat every. last. bite. of it, with a big glass of milk.

Life is good.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This wonderful little girl had her 1st birthday!

She's incredibly sweet, busy, curious and silly.

She is a blessing in our lives and we're thrilled to be her grandparents.

Can you tell we love her so much?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Musings

It was another fun but fast-paced weekend. We had the amazing TR for an overnight visit on Friday, I went thrift store store shopping with my two sisters on Saturday, and enjoyed a busy Mother's Day yesterday.

Friday evening started off with a bang (sorry, had to say that...) when the hubster was involved in a 4 car accident on the highway, on his way home from work. Thankfully - SO thankfully - he was not injured nor was anyone else. The air bag did its job well. Our van is another matter, though - the whole front end is pushed back almost to the windshield, with the hood all buckled up and the engine exposed. We're guessing it's going to be considered a total loss. Which leaves us with a car dilemna ... just when we thought we had a plan .... for the time being, he will drive the pick-up and I'll stick with the Mazda. Though he did say maybe we should get a rental car for the short term while we figure this out.

As for the shopping with my sisters - well, let's just say they're hard core veteran shoppers from way back, and they were determined not to miss a thing. Every single item in every single aisle was scrutinized, and they'd periodically track me down and show me the deals that were piling up in their carts. They take their bargain hunting VERY seriously. Me, I take it serioulsly, but after about 1/2 hour I've had enough. But they spent over an hour at each store, gathering up shiny things and clothing that caught their eye. I was exhausted by the time I got home. And from what I understand, they kept going for another 3 hours after we parted ways. Crazy ladies, they are.
Mother's Day was relatively low-key for a change, with visits to both Mom's and dinner at the Olive Garden with my sister and mother. My wonderful husband gifted me with a gorgeous ring that's both a Mother's Day and birthday present - isn't it beautiful? Simple, sparkly and so "me."

We took the dogs to the park for a run twice over the weekend - well, actually, the hubster took them once while I was out shopping on Saturday, and then we went together on Sunday afternoon. It was a chilly windy weekend - perfect for walking. Unfortunately, we realized that it's already flea and tick season (or, as I sometimes say by accident "tea and flick season") when the hubster found a disgusting little tick in our bed on Saturday evening - must have climbed onto the hubster at the park and somehow let loose onto the sheets as he was crawling into bed. Gross, gross, gross. I've had close encounters with ticks (and a leech once, on our honeymoon, oh yeah!) and I freak out. Ever since then I've been feeling my scalp and checking myself for little bumps that don't belong on me... shudder....

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This song has been on my mind today, reminding me that I have so very much to be thankful for in my life. I have a Father who will always love me, no matter what; and all that I need HAS been provided. Always has been, always will be. Period. I have a wonderful family and the most incedible friends, a roof over my head, cars to drive and a job that I like. Life is good. Great is His faithfulness to me!

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

(Oh, how I love this song!)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday Musings

They're getting ready to hang new wallpaper in the hallway outside our office. A couple of guys are slapping on a good thick coat of sizing (whatever that is) to prep the walls. It smells SO bad. Really bad, like they must be getting high out there because there's zero air moving in the hallway. I didn't think it was good to hang wallpaper on top of existing wallpaper. Am thinking this is a bad idea. Must be a cost-saving idea. And the fumes that are probably seeping in under the door may be why I have a headache today.

Lovely daughter is taking her car into the shop tomorrow for diagnostics. We're hoping and praying that it's an easy and inexpensive fix that the hubster can do, once they tell us what exactly is the issue. Cars: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Have to keep her car going a long, long time because she certainly can't afford a car payment. Though she is going on commission !! at her job this month, so her income should go up quite a bit. Thank you, Lord.

We both need to go and get our new glasses adjusted at the eye doctor this evening. Tried to go 2 other times recently and they were closed. Yes, closed on Friday and closed on Saturday. That's the price you pay for going to independent family (husband & wife team) eye doctors. Even though I disklike the one-hour places in the mall (you know who I mean) at least they're open 7 days a week, all hours. Hubster hasn't even been able to wear his new glasses since he picked them up 2 weeks ago - now that's a problem. And mine were (literally) falling off my face when I was out working in the garden a few days ago - every time I looked down, off they came.

Hubster and I car-pooled today - figured we'd try to ride together a couple of times a week to see if we can lower our gas consumption. This week we're going to try for Monday and Wednesday. Only problem I can forsee is that I'm not so much a morning person (slow to wake up) and the hubster bounces out of bed and starts talking as soon as his feet hit the floor. Not so good, for a person who likes her peace and quiet in the morning. I always say that I get an extra half-hour of sleep on my way to work every day. I know that's not good, being comatose while driving, but it is what it is. I'm a zombie. And when I get to work, I like to be left alone for 15 or 20 minutes while I get situated. Know what I mean? I'm sure there are others like me out there.

This is the first post I've ever done without pictures I think. Wow. Just a bunch of miscellaneous thoughts running together.