Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Soiree at Chez Lansley

One evening last week, the girls converged on Chez Lansley for a bridal shower.

This is the beautiful bride-to-be, who, a year ago, would NEVER have believed she'd be getting married. No way. But we all know that God's plans are often surprising and wonderful... so, a wedding it is!

In just another week or so, she'll be a Mrs.

The gathering included the ladies of the Mixed Nuts. If you're a Nut, you know what I mean.

An out of control crowd of Mama's we were. It's like herding cats trying to get everyone to stand still and look at the camera.

This was the only man at the soiree. He didn't say much, just smiled and looked pretty.

Jeanne actually made us play a game that involved this man (above), lipstick and a blindfold. I think she had the most fun of all of us.

The bride-to-be had a good time with him, too.

And we played Bridal Bingo. And boy, did it go on and on and on ... Kathie made us do a cover-all so it took hours (well, not really, but a long time). Thank goodness there were plenty of snacks and drinks to be had while we played..

And then came the cake (this one chocolate) ...

And some lovely candies to take home ...

and more cake (this one white) ...

The wedding (or The Ordeal, as the bride-to-be fondly refers to it right about now...) should be just as much fun ~ beware the frocks, Minnetta!

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