Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

A couple of specific things I'm thankful for today...

First of all, pancakes.

I just ate several hot, buttery, maple-syrup covered pancakes.
And in spite of the fact that they were gluten-free they were wonderful.
And I mean really, really melt-in-your-mouth tasty.
And this comes from a very picky eater.

Yes, it's about 10 p.m. and yes, that was my dinner.
Some nights, that's just the way it works out.

So that's my plug for Kinnikinnick Pancake and Waffle Mix.
I'm thankful for a gluten-free food that tastes so awesome. I'm officially a fan.

And the second thing I'm thankful for is the sale at Home Depot this week - - 5 1 qt. perennials for $10. One can never have too many perennials. So I bought some pink salvia, blue delphinium and a couple of pincushion flowers. All sun-lovers, all for my back garden area. Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt. I'm so very thankful for all things flowering!

That's it - good night all!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, April 11, 2010


On Friday everyone from my office loaded onto a bus and rode down to Lexington, Ky. We had invited a group of customers for a brunch meeting at Keene Place, an old mansion on the grounds of Keeneland.

It's a beautiful old home, completely renovated. Gorgeous. Like a magazine.

I sneaked around for a few minutes with my camera, looking out windows, went upstairs to check it out. Noticed this magazine on a side table. Do people really read magazines like this? Really? I guess if you're a real horse lover...

When our meeting ended at 1:00 we drove over to the race track. I noticed this display of large colorful hats set up in a corner, outside. Really big hats, most of them. And really big prices to match. Who buys these things? I did see a handful of women in the crowd with this kind of hat but hope they didn't pay the big bucks - we're talking anywhere from $200 - $800. Crazy.

Horses being walked in the paddock. Cooling down? Or before their big race? Not sure. There's so much I just don't understand about the horse racing business (or should I say culture?).

I'm wondering how much these handlers get paid. Is there a lot of money to be made in walking horses at a race track?

And here's another question: Why do all the jockeys have to have a trainer ride along side them on the track when they're doing warm up laps? Is this really necessary?

Oh, and here's the highlight of my afternoon. I saw all kinds of silly outfits, but this took the cake. This young guy was actually wearing these goofy pants in public and didn't seem embarassed at all. Lime green, with blue and brown horses all over. Topped with a very civilized navy blazer. Seriously?? I don't even know where you'd go to buy a pair of men's pants like this. Whatever he paid for them, he paid TOO MUCH. Some designer is laughing all the way to the bank.

And his friend, who was standing nearby, had on bright orange pants. Yuck.

Now this was kind of neat - a guy who was painting a picture of the scene out in the paddock. Nice job. He was taking his time, talking with the crowd as he worked.

And I got up close to a jockey who had just finished a race - he was posing for pictures with a couple of young girls. I loved his patent leather boots! So small! I guess most jockeys are really small men - he was well under 5' tall.

One of my favorite things at Keeneland - the line-up of jockey statues. Pretty much the same size as the real ones! Ha. I couldn't take a picture from the front side because people were in the way, sitting on the wall with their food and drinks.

I enjoyed it all - a beautiful (chilly) spring day, lots of good people-watching, a few horses, lots of drunk visitors, and some fun with my co-workers. Must do it again next year!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Chris and I aren't the only ones who enjoy a ride in the truck.

Especially when it involves going to the park on a gorgeous spring day.

I just love how Tyson's ears flap in the wind. One ear up, one ear down.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

On A Cool Spring Evening ...

The yard got mowed for the third time this season.

And it looks like rich green velvet.

Did I ever tell you we got a new (1992) truck? It's sweet.

The front bumper needed some adjustment.

As usual, the hubster got the job done.

The dogs got some great outside play time.

(Hey, I haven't bored you with dog pictures recently. Thought I'd give you a break from all the amazing Tara Rose pictures.)

Tyson's sporty new haircut, courtesy of our now-official dog-grooming daughter.

Life is good.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Soiree at Chez Lansley

One evening last week, the girls converged on Chez Lansley for a bridal shower.

This is the beautiful bride-to-be, who, a year ago, would NEVER have believed she'd be getting married. No way. But we all know that God's plans are often surprising and wonderful... so, a wedding it is!

In just another week or so, she'll be a Mrs.

The gathering included the ladies of the Mixed Nuts. If you're a Nut, you know what I mean.

An out of control crowd of Mama's we were. It's like herding cats trying to get everyone to stand still and look at the camera.

This was the only man at the soiree. He didn't say much, just smiled and looked pretty.

Jeanne actually made us play a game that involved this man (above), lipstick and a blindfold. I think she had the most fun of all of us.

The bride-to-be had a good time with him, too.

And we played Bridal Bingo. And boy, did it go on and on and on ... Kathie made us do a cover-all so it took hours (well, not really, but a long time). Thank goodness there were plenty of snacks and drinks to be had while we played..

And then came the cake (this one chocolate) ...

And some lovely candies to take home ...

and more cake (this one white) ...

The wedding (or The Ordeal, as the bride-to-be fondly refers to it right about now...) should be just as much fun ~ beware the frocks, Minnetta!