Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Getting way too busy again....
This past weekend was a whirlwind - Beth Moore conference on Friday afternoon, evening and Saturday morning.
Had sweet Tara on Saturday evening, took her to her first concert (!) - Kansas, outdoors at The Taste of Blue Ash. A wonderful cool night for being outside - wrapped Tara up in a big fleece blanket, she was snug as a bug in a rug.
Sunday morning was church, where our friend Karen was baptized (wahoo! score one for the good guys). Afterwards we went to Marcaroni Grill for lunch. Then home for a while, Matt & Em picked up the precious baby and then the hubster and I headed out again for a cookout at Celia's, then over to the family homestead for a birthday party for Pops.
And poof! The weekend was over!

Labor Day weekend plans have been made - another fun & busy weekend. I'm excited that we're going to Columbus to the Franklin Conservatory to see the wonderful Chihuly glass and their butterfly exhibit. And then on Sunday we're off to Chateau Relaxo for an overnight trip in Kentucky.

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