Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Young and Old

This past weekend we kept pretty busy with this little girl ... 4 1/2 months old and such a real person now! She's strong, inquisitive, alert, observant ... and drools a lot ...

Her smiles melt my heart.

She can be very serious. Very.

She loves to swat at her toys - and talk to them.

She's full of sugar and spice and everything nice!

And now for the old part of the weekend. We drove downtown to find the Nina and the Pinta or whatever they're named ... docked at the riverfront for a week or so. We were too cheap to pay to go on board. Kind of evil, pirate-y looking boats, they were! So that was a short visit.

Then we found Rte. 50 West out of downtown and wandered quite a way into the setting sun. We saw this sad but beautiful old church just off to the side and had to check it out.

I imagine it was a good German-Catholic church back in the day.

Someone in the neighborhood felt it appropriate to dump a mattress off to the side of the church. Interesting in its own rusty way.

Now that fall is upon us we're hoping to take some drives out into the country and find all the colors of the season ... stay tuned ...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Whac A Mole

Do you ever feel like your life is something like the frustrating Whac-A-Mole game that you see in the arcades? No sooner is one problem taken care of, then another pops up to take it's place. No sooner have I taken care of one (or many) issues in my inbox - and then a whole new batch shows up. No sooner is one person satisfied, then someone else is having problems. You know what I mean? Every day, every hour, brings something new that needs to be dealt with! Aaacck! Give me that big mallet to swat those moles!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Girl's Night

Order one piping hot pizza from the Italianette,
Toss a salad,

Open a bottle of wine,

Everyone bring their favorite special jewelry,

Add a little more wine to go with the jewelry ...

And then play "dress up" with a few of your closest girlfriends!

Earrings ...

Fancy necklaces ...

then different earrings ...

And sweep the hair up like this ... !

We all had fun with Karen and her sister!

Hard to believe she's going to be a (gorgeous) bride in just 3 weeks!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mama's Big Fat Helper

Most of the time when I sit down to work at my computer, I have a furry companion who jumps up and gets in my way. He starts out by squeezing onto the right-hand side of my desk, laying right on top of my mouse pad so I can't use my wireless mouse. Annoying.

I finally get him to move over to the LEFT side of my laptop, where I have thoughtfully cleared an area for him to relax. (He's giving me a dirty look because I made him get up and move.)

Then he settles back into his nap ... still completely in the way.

And that's where he is right now, as I type tonight, nestled up against my left arm. Silly old cat.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Father and Daughter

Two people I love very much....

As photographed by Emily ... thanks for the wonderful picture!

It makes me smile!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Lake

Last weekend we enjoyed not only spending time at the lake house, and eating all the good food, and catching up with the friends who had gathered ... we enjoyed the lake from all perspectives....

In the cool quiet of the morning, the lake is very still...

The view across the lake, at another lake house ...

The view from the dining room window, as friends relax on the lower deck by the lake ....

Watching the kids have fun, from one of the upper decks ....

Captain Tim concentrates as he pulls the kids around the lake ...

Fearless teenage boys ... Doug, James, Josh ...

Josh showing the others how to use the kneeboard ....

We really did "relaxo at the chateau" last weekend! Good times.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Great Outdoors ...

... As seen at Elk Lake and the lake house last weekend. We are so thankful to have wonderful friends who invite us to visit this beautiful place.

Sunset on Sunday evening ...

Yes, I really take pictures of chairs.... After the rain ...

Kayaks, quietly waiting for their turn on the lake ...

Gross skull found at the edge of the woods.

Teresa thinks it was "Mama" (the raccoon). (Sad!)

And these were the 2 turtles that Chris found on Monday morning as he drove around the lake. He was nice enough to bring them into the bedroom and hold them above my head while I screamed under the covers to GO AWAY.

Monday, September 07, 2009

So Much Color, So Little Time

We took a little road trip on Saturday, to the Franklin Conservatory.
We'd been there a couple of years ago and wanted to visit again because I had read about a butterfly exhibit, and a re-do of the Chihuly glass sculptures. This time, Matt, Em and TR came with us. We were not disappointed! There were enormous, incredible glass creations everywhere ...
Layered in the ceiling ...

Hanging in fantastic chandelier-type shapes ...

Arranged in a boat ...

Smack dab in the middle of the greenery in the tropical rain forest room ...

Hanging in the entrance ...

Flowers on a vase ...

Another fantastic flower image ...

And they were worried that their guests would miss the ant exhibit? Seriously?

Tara liked the glass in the ceiling best of all: