Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Perfectly Normal Women ...

.. Do the strangest things at bridal showers. This is a game we played at Emily's bridal luncheon a few weeks back. We had to scoop cotton balls onto our heads, the goal being to keep as many as possible on board after we let go with the spoons. I believe the winner had 17?

Another game was a team competition, whereby a wedding gown was to be created using numerous rolls of toilet paper. While this was fun, I found myself on the losing end of the deal because I was the model, and my teammates were not destined to be the winning designers. The other 2 girls looked a whole heck of a lot better than I did when time was up. Kelly kind of looks like the Blessed Virgin Mary, don't you think? And I ended up looking like a geeky flapper of some sort.

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