Saturday, September 30, 2006


Some things in life are guaranteed to happen, day in and day out, week after week, season to season. Our lives are full of those predicable events. For instance, I always know the routine when I get home from work. I'm very much a creature of habit as are the dogs we live with. When I come in the door I like to check the mail, change into jeans, check voice mail, check on Kelly (if she's home) - and most importantly - go outside and throw the ball for Tango for a few minutes. While I toss the ball I usually wander around the deck and back yard checking on the gardens and various flower pots - water, trim, enjoy.

Tyson usually finds a cool shady spot to hang out, listening, watching, always on full alert in case something happens that he has to investigate.

Tandie keeps a low profile, sometimes sitting wistfully by the back fence dreaming of the days when she used to be able to climb it and escape (temporarily) for a romp through the neighborhood. Thank goodness those days are gone.

We're starting to feed the birds again so part of my ritual is refilling the feeders. The birds in our neighborhood are PIGS - they clean out the feeders daily. Lucky for them we're so indulgent and keep re-filling them.

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