Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tyson's New Look

Poor Tyson is cursed with bad hair - layer upon layer of silky gold and white dog hair. (His paperwork at the vet labels him a "blonde." That would explain a lot of his spastic behaviours!) During the summer he gets incredibly hot (so we humans assume, anyway) and though we've tried to trim him with our dog clippers, his hair is simply unmanageable. Too many layers, too much for the clippers to handle. His belly hair hangs down in wisps and he comes home from our walks in the park with all sorts of twigs and burrs sticking out from his fur. His back end is a tangle of fine white fur that resembles a shaggy petticoat - not very manly at all.

We gave him a good bath last weekend in hopes of taming his unruly fur, thinking we could comb out some of the excess - nope. He was a wet smelly mess for hours as he dried off. Pathetic. Doesn't he look like a poor little homeless doggie that needs to be rescued?? We concluded it was time for the professionals to intervene.

I made an appointment at the vet (for his annual check-up, and to get proof of his current rabies vaccine) and at the groomers at PetSmart. We headed off to Dr. Jeff's at 8:30 Saturday morning where he was declared healthy but overweight (weighs 43 lbs, should be closer to 35 lbs). Later in the day we went for a ride to PetSmart for his 4:00 appointment at the doggie spa. He was a little reluctant to go with the groomer, but by the time we picked him up at 8:30 he was one happy guy! We could hardly believe our eyes - his new look is stunning! Tyson looks like a young puppy again, and he seems .... slimmer!
I swear he was grinning from ear to ear all the way home, knowing how good he looks. I can only imagine that he must feel sort of "naked" when he plays outside and the breeze blows across his skin - there's certainly not much fur any more. Our conclusion: money well spent! Tyson's conclusion: I am so cool!

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