Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tandie's Turn

It's was the old girl's turn at the vet this morning, time for her annual check-up and more importantly, time for Dr. Jeff to take a look at her most recent lumps. She's had surgery twice before to remove fatty cysts from her side and neck, thankfully nothing to be worried about. This time though Dr. Jeff is concerned about the lump by her throat since it feels hard, unlike the usual fatty cysts that are softer. He didn't hesitate to say she needs to come in ASAP for surgery - the sooner the better, so we've got an appointment for early Tuesday morning.
Fortunately Tandie is an easy-going friendly dog - she tolerates the poking, prodding and needle sticking of an annual visit without a fuss. She loved the vet tech and could hardly stop licking his face while to talked to her. Oh, to be happy and carefree like a spoiled dog ... no worries at all.

Dr. Jeff volunteers his time at a number of local animal shelters helping with the care of their animals. He and his family have many pets in their home just like we do - he's got a big heart and wishes that every stray and abandonded pet had a good home. We've done our share of rescuing - we're up to 3 dogs and 4 cats and swear there will be no more - we're out of room! Those of you who read my silly little blog - do your part when you can, and adopt a pet from a shelter! They'll love you forever.

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