Saturday, February 06, 2010

Not So Bad, Could Have Been Worse

Went to bed last night not sure what the morning light would bring.
A winter disaster or just another close call?
We were told that we could expect 6 - 8 inches of snow on the north side of Cincinnati.
Nothing like the storm the east coast is experiencing - but still, the weather forecasters were so sure we were going to be in the throes of a snowy nightmare.
Actual result? About 4 inches of snow in our neck of the woods.
Not so bad at all - could have been worse!

Just enough snow to create a winter wonderland, trees and bushes laden with a wet snow and streets covered and slippery. But, not so bad - not as bad as it could have been.

The hubster was up early as usual taking care of the dogs and putzing around on the computer. He cleaned off his car and drove over to my mom's to clear off her car as well. By the time he got home I was up and attem knowing we had to leave for our annual appointment with our tax lady, Diana. She had called about 7:45 a.m. to see if we were going to make it. "Oh sure," says I, "My husband loves to drive in the snow!"

I dusted off my favorite snow boots and off we went, finding few other cars on the roads.

Stopped at UDF so hubster could get a Pepsi .. I waited in the car.

Taxes turned out .. not so bad also .. could have been worse!

We're trying (well, the hubster is trying) to finish up painting the bathroom today - I'm painting the closet and the shelves, he's done all the rest of the work. Looks great, gone is the sunny yellow, replaced with a mellow tan color named "Family Legacy. (Who thinks up the names of the paint colors, anyway? I want that job.)

Boring stuff ... but sometimes boring is good, the way I see it. Spending a snowy day doing home enhancement projects really isn't so bad ...

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