Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tools of the Trade

Our friend Dick has a gift for woodworking, carefully creating beautiful pieces such as this "work in progress." Not only is he a talented woodworker, but he's an awesome painter and gardener, and a wonderful musician. Oh, and he can cut hair. (And I think once he even claimed he could sew, for pete's sake!)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Dog's Life

Glanced out the back door the other evening, while enjoying dinner and there she was, watching us eat, sprawled on the bench.

Is the dog too big for the bench, or the bench is too small for the dog?

Wishing ...

I was here ...

Or here ...

Or here ....

Feeling like I need to see some OCEAN!

Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm going to the Beth Moore simulcast at VCC this coming Friday and Saturday ... I'm so excited! Several of my good friends from our small group will be going also ... even more fun that way!

That's all I wanted to say. Short and sweet. I'm excited!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Reflections of Me

My husband often teases me about being easily distracted by shiny things. If that's the case, I got really distracted today at a classic car show in Newport. So many cars, so many colors, so many fun reflections. Can you see me? (In real life, of course, I am not so small nor am I so oddly shaped...)

Oh, and did I mention that the Wienermobile was there also? Awesome.

Happy Dog

Yesterday was a beautiful and unseasonably cool August day.
We just had to take the dogs to the park for a run.
They all had a blast, especially Tyson.
Riding ....

Running ...

Leaping ...

Drinking ...


And full of burrs.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Great Grandmother Carol

It's hard to believe this was 2 months ago already.

Tara was just 6 weeks old in this photo.

She's getting bigger and cuter every day!


I don't know how I've overlooked the common zinnia all these years whenever I looked at seed packets. My friend Celia had mentioned that she plants them every year so I thought I would plant some this spring.
Every time I walk past our side door and glance outside, this is what I see this summer ... glorious zinnias filling up my small garden. I could stand there all day, admiring their blazing colors.

"My Happy Place"

Thursday, August 20, 2009


We had the opportunity to hear Dan Cathy, the President and COO of Chick-fil-A, speak the other night at our church. What a message! He is passionate about his restaurants, his customers and his employees. His goal is to see the fulfillment of the Chick-fil-A Corporate Purpose: "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."

How cool is THAT?

Eat Mor Chikin!

Monday, August 17, 2009

3 Months

Tara Rose gets sweeter ...
and more beautiful ...

and busier ...

Every single day!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Great Grandmother Dode

When Tara was just 6 weeks old.


When I look out our office window today, down into the driveway
I see my husband who is hot, sweaty, frustrated
working on the kids' cars in the blazing August sun.

Kelly gets new brakes today.

Matt gets new struts and more (springs?).

I get to be thankful for a husband who cares enough to do things like this.

Even though he really doesn't have to.

But he wants to. And he's good at it.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Many years ago (about 4o) my dad took me to the local music store and he bought this flute for me.

I was so excited. And scared at the same time.

Because he believed in my musical ability enough to pay lots of money for a very nice flute.

This flute and I went almost everywhere together for 4 years during high school - marching band, concert band, orchestra, weekly lessons.

And then it was over. Stashed away in closets and attics until my niece asked to borrow it last year.

She recently returned it to me. I won't put it back in the attic. It deserves better.

I may even dust it off from time to time and see if my fingers remember how it goes ...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


The hubster got busy in the kitchen the other night.
I stayed out of the way.
Slicing, dicing, chopping, generally making a big mess.
Tomatoes, peppers, onions, cilantro ...

Pretty soon we had some awesome salsa.

The kind you can't stop eating even though your nose won't stop running.

Well done, honey!

Front and Back

One of the things I enjoyed most about our trip to Kentucky was the people, young and old, that we met and became friends with. Lydia is a sparkling 3 year old who loves to read books on the porch swing (and you know how much I hate doing things like that!) and play with her brothers.

Lydia at the horse farm ... so excited to be there ...

I don't know which was cuter, the front view or the back view!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Late June in Eolia, Kentucky

An industrious little spider worked overtime during the night to create this complex spiderweb on one of the SWAP work trucks. Glad we noticed it before the truck drove to the job site!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sonny 3

"Sonny 3"

Frequent visitor on the long front porch at E.C.C.O.

When the kids told me his name, I thought they were saying "Sunny D' like the beverage. Later their dad explained that the cat is named "Sonny 3" because there were 2 other "Sonny" cats before him. Not sure what the story is, didn't want to ask. Down in the hills of Kentucky there's a far different perspective about pets and how to care for them - I learned that by listening to the stories of several of the older men we met and talked with. (We'll leave it at that.)


Rocky, The Belching Horse
On a recent trip into the hills of eastern Kentucky, I visited a farm that's home to many horses. I was with a group of homeschool moms and their many pre-school children. The man who was giving us the tour of the barn came in, walking an enormous horse named Rocky.He explained to the children that Rocky was a Belgian work horse. They all looked up at the beautiful brown horse, eyes wide at the sight of this huge animal. Then I heard the funniest thing ....

Off to the side of the group, I heard a little boy whisper to his mom in an urgent tone: "MOM! What's a BELCHING horse??"

Monday, August 10, 2009


They may be a funny shape.

And they're very small.

But they're still homegrown tomatoes.

From our very own back porch.

Needs No Explanation ...

I sees you, baby! And I loves you very much!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Trash to Treasures

Our village sponsored its annual "Trash to Treasures" community-wide yard sale today. This, in my opinion, is more fun than Christmas Day! I love looking through other peoples old unwanted stuff and enjoy the "thrill of the hunt" as I wander from street to street, never knowing what kind of deal I'll stumble across. The hubster found a couple of boxes of old tools and a Leatherman gadget; I, on the other hand, found some colorful baby toys, a cute Halloween costume for Tara's first trick-or-treat night and a hand mixer. (Which - my daughter pointed out to me - I had already bought one for her at a yard sale previously. Oh well, for one dollar I now have a back-up hand mixer in my pantry.)


Oh, and best of all, some sweet little kitty cat Robeez ....brand new, for $2. I think that's a pretty good deal, right? From what I've heard, these are pricey little shoes.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Happiness Is ....

Sweet Tara Rose
10 Weeks Old
Oh so precious and beautiful!
My first grandchild who brings me so much joy.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


Her official "20 years old" portrait.
Not so bad for being a geriatric cat (as the vet refers to her).
She may be scruffy and walk funny but she's still loving life!