Saturday, April 19, 2008

Found in Winton Woods today: 2 Army men, one wounded, one on guard!

We helped with the Winton Woods Cleanup this morning, an annual Spring event to clean up litter and debris in the park. We were assigned to a team which was tasked with picking up litter out by West Fork Dam. It was no surprise to find water bottles, pop bottles, empty cans, old tennis balls and frisbees; some of the more interesting items were small toys like a My Little Pony figure, and these plastic Army men. And shoes. How do you lose a shoe in the park?? Chris retrieved 2 nasty tires (one with rim intact) and hauled them up a long steep hill to the road on top of the dam - painful hard work, thrashing through underbrush and trees since there was no path back to the top.

My parting thought - people, please STOP littering! Throw your stuff away in a trash can or recycling bin. Honestly. It would be nice if the parks didn't have to sponsor a clean-up day,

1 comment:

Julie D said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I love that idea!!!! I will be back to read more of your blog this weekend.
