Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday in the Park

Since the weather has finally cooled down and the blistering heat of the summer is a fading memory, we've been able to take the dogs to the park again. We went last Saturday morning and again this morning, all of us enjoying the crisp fall air and the peace of our favorite trail. The dogs just run and run like fools, racing through the underbrush and the woods, taking off ahead of us down the path. Tandie moves more slowly than Tango and Tyson, taking her time sniffing every interesting spot along the way. Once in a while she'll break into a trot, but not often.

The fall colors this year have been a little disappointing, but every so often there's a bit of a display that catches my eye. Many trees have just turned brown and dropped their leaves - and boom! it was over with. Then again, I'm noticing a lot of trees that are still mostly green - not sure what they're waiting for. As we walked through the woods most of the leaves we were swishing through were brown and gold, but there were the occassional rust and red colored leaves peeking out.

Though we're really not looking forward to the bleak winter months, we are looking forward to the crisp morning walks in the park. (The dogs agree!)

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