Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lost But Not Forgotten

My heart is very sad ... Baby Kitty has been missing now for 10 days, with no sign of her anywhere in the neighborhood. She's simply vanished. We made the mistake of leaving our back door wide open several different times during the weekend of March 31 - April 1st, because the weather was so very nice. The dogs were free to roam in and out, enjoying the terrific weekend. At some point, Baby Kitty (aka BK, or Pica) must have wandered outside onto the back deck. She's usually terrified of the great outdoors, rarely setting paw outside. Any loud noise scares her, and she usually is quick to bolt back inside into the safety of the house. Well, for some reason she ventured outside without being noticed, and must have become locked out when we closed the back door. And so she's gone. We've posted signs and talked to our neighbors, and I call out to her every day and every night, hoping she'll hear me and find her way home. I am sooo sad. I start crying every time I dwell on the situation, so I try to push it to the far back of my mind. I hope and pray she's safe and healthy, wherever she might be. Her big buddie Beanie misses her a lot, and so do we. Pray for a miracle to happen!

1 comment:

Gail at Large said...

Oh no :(

I hope she returns to you safely.