Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winter Storm Warning

When you hear those 3 words on the radio here, it means trouble. Real trouble. It means the Cincinnati area is about to be blanketed with more than 3 inches of snow - enough snow to have schools dismissed early, businesses close, and activities of all sorts cancelled. In other parts of the country they would scoff at this craziness, and life would go on as usual. To the credit of our local weather forecasters, however, it looks like they got it right this time. So often these warnings miss the mark; but by the looks of my street and the neighborhood, it's really going to happen this time - we might actually get that 3 - 5 inches of snow they're predicting. It just started snowing about an hour ago and it's picking up pace quickly.

While the people in this household dread the snow, the canines love the brisk cold weather and the white stuff. Tango runs, plays, sits watching the birds and even curls up in the snow, her thick coat insulating her against the chill. She'll just sit there while the snows piles up on her back. Brrrrrr. That's the Husky in her! Tyson is the same way - he stays close to Tango as they run around the yard and seems not to mind the freezing temperatures either. His blonde coat is many layers thick (as we found out when we tried to give him a haircut ourselves - silly us!) and he's got the added advantage of some extra weight (I didn't say fat, just a few extra pounds!).

I'm hoping to go on a photo walk in the neighborhood in the next few days and find some snowmen to photograph. I saw quite a few creative efforts last time it snowed but didn't think to take pictures. This time I will!

Update: I just took another look outside, and in only about 1/2 hour there's been a noticeable change in the landscape. Compare this to the first picture I posted - we're getting good coverage already as I look across the front yards up the street. Same view - more white! Yipee.

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