Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve Eve

Yesterday Chris and I took a road trip up north to Columbus, to find the Franklin Conservatory. He had read about an exhibit of Chihuly glass titled "Fiori: A Chihuly Garden of Glass." So we packed up the cameras, fired up the NavLady and headed up I-71. We found the conservatory quite easily, and right away I could see that it was much larger and more updated than our Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. As we wandered the paths and worked our way from room to room we were in AWE of the incredible blown glass work. The works were huge, they were surprising in their compelxity, and everything was so colorful. Chris and I both took well over 200 photos in the 1 1/2 hours we were there. (Oh, and we did notice the plants and flowers as we went along, even though our focus was the glass work.)

These are just a sampling of our many pictures. Everything was so beautiful, it was hard to stop snapping! We're planning on visiting the conservatory again in January when a new exhibit begins, "The Orchid Forest." The Chihuly glass show runs through February so we'll get to view that again while we're there. Fun!

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