Sunday, December 31, 2006

Alpine Village

During October, the Krohn Conservatory had a special exhibit called "Alpine Village." They worked with members of the Clay Alliance to put together a colorful display of fall flowers, mixing in all sorts of pottery items made by local potters - animals, bird baths, mushrooms, birdhouses, fountains. Mom donated 3 brown bunny rabbits that she made some time ago (not for sale, just lending them for the show). They placed the rabbits in a garden scene, at the corner of a fence.
Though not a large exhibit, it was fun to look at and very well done. I went with Mom at the end of the month to visit, not long before they dismantled it to prepare for the holiday displays. There was a garden area, a marketplace, a castle scene, and a large fountain in the center of the room. Lots of detail to take in, and very colorful with all the fall mums. Mom was so pleased to have her bunnies be a part of the show!

Walking the Dogs

On Thursday, we finally got the dogs out to the park for a long romp. The past week has been unseasonably mild and sunny so we knew we had to make time to go. We met several other dogs and their owners as we walked and enjoyed the peace and quiet in the field. As we finally started down the trail through the woods, back to the van, the sun was beginning to set in the winter sky.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Original Wendy's

While we were in Columbus last week we found the original Wendy's restaurant location in downtown Columbus, on Broad St. They've got a lot of memorabilia on display. I was surprised to find out that Dave Thomas' daughter was not actually named Wendy, but Melinda. Go figure.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve Eve

Yesterday Chris and I took a road trip up north to Columbus, to find the Franklin Conservatory. He had read about an exhibit of Chihuly glass titled "Fiori: A Chihuly Garden of Glass." So we packed up the cameras, fired up the NavLady and headed up I-71. We found the conservatory quite easily, and right away I could see that it was much larger and more updated than our Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. As we wandered the paths and worked our way from room to room we were in AWE of the incredible blown glass work. The works were huge, they were surprising in their compelxity, and everything was so colorful. Chris and I both took well over 200 photos in the 1 1/2 hours we were there. (Oh, and we did notice the plants and flowers as we went along, even though our focus was the glass work.)

These are just a sampling of our many pictures. Everything was so beautiful, it was hard to stop snapping! We're planning on visiting the conservatory again in January when a new exhibit begins, "The Orchid Forest." The Chihuly glass show runs through February so we'll get to view that again while we're there. Fun!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Catching Up

I’ll try to re-cap the events of the past couple of months while I’ve been MIA. Nothing incredibly interesting has happened – no crisis, no health problems, no accidents. Life just gotten away from me and free time has been non-existent. That’s something that HAS to change in 2007. My life has been quite out of balance and I’m feeling the stress of all the hurrying and rushing and craziness that seems to come with my day-to-day activities.

Some noteworthy and possibly interesting news since I last posted on October 15th:
- Matt started a new job (furniture store, sales consultant) and has also rented an apartment with his girlfriend Emily. He moved out of the house the first week of November. They’re still planning to be married in June.
- Chris became a full-time permanent employee at Toyota MM, NA. No more “contract” status, he’s now joined the family and has all the perks and benefits that go along with being a real employee. Hurray!
- Nothing new with the dogs – we’ve started using a baby gate to keep them downstairs during the day and they’ve adjusted to that. We got a nice new soft dog bed, and who’s using it? Big fat Beanie.
- I took Lucy (our oldest cat) to the vet last weekend for a check-up since she’s been wheezing again - - back on the steroids and feeling much better. Thankfully she’s good about having a pill shoved down her throat as long as there’s a treat immediately following. She’s also developed a new-found courage – no longer is she the “cowardly cat” living in the laundry room. She actually comes upstairs to the kitchen and beyond, staring down the dogs and hissing when they get too close. She knows she’ll get a tiny bit of milk in a dish as a reward for coming up, so I’m sure that’s helped reinforce her new behavior. It’s very strange, though, that after 8 years of being in the house with the dogs she’s decided to tolerate them all of a sudden. What’s up with that??

- There’s a new camera in our house, a Canon EOS 30D digital SLR. Can’t remember what type of lens he’s go on it – it’s huge, though. I call it “The Intimidator.” We’ve been having fun going on photo walks with our respective cameras – Krohn Conservatory, Eden Park, downtown Cincinnati to view all the Christmas festivities and decorations. Fun!
- Kelly has been bitten by the photo bug this fall also, as she’s started to take a Photography class at school. I’ve been letting her use my 25-year old Pentax K-1000, and she’s been shooting black-and-white film, and learning to develop it in the darkroom. I never dreamed my Pentax would be used by my daughter. I love that camera – my first “real” camera and it takes such great picures!
- We had 2 great Thanksgiving dinners spread out over 2 days, which I think is the way everyone should do it! My Aunt Hilary was in town from Iowa and we had a wonderful time visiting with her. She brought along her friend Sister Pascal, and they stayed with Mom for 5 days. For being a nun Aunt Hil sure is a hoot! I drove Mom, Hilary, Pascal and Kelly on a field trip to the annual holiday Crafts Affair in downtown Covington. So many beautiful handmade items, especially the jewelry. Kelly bought a gorgeous ring, Mom and the others bought some candles and decorative items for Christmas gifts. What a day. I was tired out after about an hour of walking around the Convention Center, but Mom and Hil just kept on going, and going ….

- And last but not least, a big piece of news: I found out 2 days ago that my job at CB is being eliminated at the end of January. I’ve been through reorganizations twice before in my career (such as it has been!), so even though it was a surprise, I can deal with it. My role had been changing more and more to a sales capacity, which I didn’t like, and I had been thinking I would need to make a job change early in 2007 anyway, so …. It’s just a little sooner that I expected. This is actually good news in a strange sort of way – I’ll be looking for a part-time job this time around, so maybe some of that elusive “free time” that I hear so much about will come my way. Now that would make 2007 a wonderful new year!