Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snowy Afternoon

On a cold January afternoon, we can't enjoy ourselves in the same way we do during the summer. No relaxing in the sun...

No grilling out burgers ...

No working in the gardens ... none of that.

So we find other things to do.

Like pulling out the tools

to repair

a favorite old maple dresser.

Like throwing a frozen tennis ball for Tango, who just doesn't care

that it's way below freezing outside this afternoon.

Like filling the bird feeders for our friends.

(Really should have worn my boots for the above.)

Like going out for a fun dinner at Century Inn with the Mixed Nuts

to celebrate the January birthdays of 5 friends.

Better go and wrap these presents!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Not So Bad

The promised "winter storm" fizzled a bit, though we do have about 4 inches of snow so far today. It's tapering off so I think the worst is over (which really isn't bad at all, honestly).

We carpooled to work today with the husbster dropping me off in Kenwood on his way over the river to Erlanger. He's nice that way. He knows how much I dislike driving in the snow. (It's kind of like riding a horse that knows when you're afraid of it ... my van just knows that I'm a nervous driver in the snow.)

View from my 5th floor office at work today...

The snow plow guys were so excited about the snow today!

They had the plows all warmed up just waiting for some accumulation.

Me and my camera ...

So we get home from work without much of a delay (half of Cincinnati stayed home today in fear of the mega winter storm that had been forecasted). Hubster announces that he's going outside to clear the sidewalks and shovel the driveway, and clean off the van. He's considerate that way.

As I'm sitting here in the office at home, above the driveway, I'm checking my e-mail and I hear some noise outside. Not a shovel scraping the sidewalk. Not ice being scraped off my van windows. I hear a power tool. What could that be, I think to myself? We don't have a snow blower.

I walk over to the window, pull up the blinds and peer outside into the ever-darkening evening. My hubster, who so loves his power tools, had his favorite Stihl leaf blower fired up, blowing snow off the driveway and my van. No, I'm not kidding. If you know him, this doesn't surprise you at all.
He's just efficient like that, you know?

As he came into the warm house his glasses fogged up, the dog greeted him with a big lick on the chin, and I smiled to myself ... yep, that's my husband! He's the best!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Oh, No!

Weather Alert!

Winter storm.

Significant snowfall.

Dropping temperatures.

Wind chill.

School closings.

Winter has arrived. Right on time.

And we all know how much I love winter.